SAP & SharePoint - File Sync & Workflow Automation

SAP Generates a Bunch of Documents. Now What?

Integrate & Automate SAP with your SharePoint Records Management Strategy

Whether you have  contracts, invoices, email attachments or documents linked to SAP, holding them in relevant SharePoint repositories is critical to your wholistic records management strategy and saving money. 

Achieve seamless 2-way document flow from a physical record, scan captured into SAP and held in SharePoint or Office 365 (and vice versa). Always accessible, searchable, workable and secure with permission-based settings.

  • Automate document filing with both SAP & SharePoint metadata in relevant SharePoint repositories.
  • Maximize ROI by integrating systems and accelerating SAP & team performance.
  • Reduce cost of ownership by leveraging existing licenses & optimizing storage.
  • Give teams access to critical data to make the right business decisions.
  • Easy to deploy and sustain.

Access the SharePoint
+ Collabware CLM Info Pack

Complete the form for instant access to:

Collabspace Brochure
  • SharePoint Records Management out-of-the-box vs. SharePoint with Collabware CLM features
  • How to get up & running in 90 Days or less

SAP & SharePoint Integration Features

Manage all aspects of the content lifecycle and archiving between SAP & SharePoint or Office365.


SAP & SharePoint Integration Features

Manages all aspects of the content lifecycle and archiving between SAP & SharePoint or Office365.


SAP Integration Technical Specifications

English, French & Spanish language support for SharePoint 2013, 2016 & Online
and supports In-Place & Records Center storage.

SharePoint Infrastructure

Runs within your existing SharePoint infrastructure

Multi-farm support model

Multi-farm support via Service Application model

Collabware deployment

Deployed using a
light-weight installation tool

Fully documented in-process & web service APIs

Fully documented
in-process & web service APIs  

Maximum productivity with feature-rich integration

More for Less.

Maximum productivity achieved with this feature-rich integration.

Processes are streamlined and automated

All-inclusive content strategy provides teams with quick decision-making capabilities.

Collabware Content Accessibility

Content Accessibility.

Seamless document storage, record linking, process enablement, and metadata transfer between SAP and your SharePoint repository.

View content directly from SAP-native SharePoint experience.

Accelerate eDiscovery for FOI & GDPR request processing.

Collabware Automated Backup and Storage

Automate Backup & Storage.

Automation = less time to process, less resources, less error and less cost!

 An end-to-end solution is proven to increase collaboration, efficiency & user adoption.


Collabware automated workflows

Integrate Now & Get Running Fast!

  • SharePoint is familiar and reduces change management challenges.

  • SAP & Collabware CLM integrates natively with SharePoint so there is no need for your technical teams to create new infrastructure or management processes.

  • Simple “No code” drag & drop experience that automates SharePoint configuration.

  • Collabware and our partners work closely with you to implement our proven methodology.

Get in touch to see how Collabspace can increase efficiency, compliance and collaboration. 1-855-268-0442