FOI, ATIP, GDPR Request Processing Software

Accelerate Freedom of Information or Data Deletion Requests

Search Across All Content Repositories For One Set of Unified Results

Collabspace DISCOVERY is a scalable solution that covers all varieties of FOI regulatory legislation.
Handle all data access & personal data privacy requests for FOIP, ATIP, CCPA, GDPR, EIR, SAR, DSAR & more.

Content connectors stream and auto index all files of any format for comprehensive visibility, targeted search results, effective case analysis and export.

  • Auto index all files including OCR and audio/video transcription for PDFs, images & media files.
  • Search across all repositories and narrow results using keywords and metadata with boolean, fuzzy, wildcard, and proximity operators.
  • View search results in a configurable, spreadsheet-like interface with flexible columns and sort filters.
  • Utilize machine learning to automatically identify data entities, keywords, and objects in images.
  • Preview files and cycle through search results quickly, then export with metadata individually or in bulk.
  • Create common search templates that can be shared and create legal holds.
  • Ensure integrity of confidential information and regulatory data compliance with certified security built-in, including DoD, SEC17a-4, FedRAMP & more.
  • Enforce deletion with defensible disposition certificates. Full audit logs on all activities.

Cross-Platform Discovery with a Data Lake

Connect & Search Demo

Backup, Archive, Search & Export

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Collabspace DISCOVERY Benefits

Quickly search across huge volumes of data and find your files, no matter where they’re saved.
Plus, you get all the benefits of Collabspace ARCHIVE built-in.


Empower Employees + Propel Productivity = Faster Processing.

  • Provide or revoke access privileges with secure, permission-based settings. Create Discovery Administrator roles for those will elevated access levels (and relieve IT from tracking down files).

  • Streamline search results based on any criteria. (keyword, name, file format, email, dates, source, etc).

  • Create shareable search templates for commonly structured discovery queries instead of setting up search and filter parameters from scratch for each request.

  • Save files to legal holds and share with relevant personnel for joint review and collaboration.

  • Allow FOI Officers to monitor and supervise requests and compliance with legislation and most importantly, produce information in a timely manner under given deadlines.

  • Full audit logging to review all activities performed by all users.

Search Effectively, Review & Export.

  • Connect to all your content repositories at no charge (managed in place or not) & gather comprehensive search results in one view.

  • Deep & precise search capability with advanced filters to find all relevant items.

  • Advanced filtering allows case reviews to be efficient instead of submitting unnecessary files to legal teams for analysis (at a hefty cost!)

  • Enabling permissions for Discovery admins relieves the IT team of the random task of hunting files.

  • Accelerate eDiscovery for FOI & GDPR request processes with advanced search & export features.

  • Review files quickly in the preview pane and export email files individually or in bulk (with no fees) for analysis or disclosure.

  • Items can be placed on legal hold on a case‑by‑case basis for as long as required.

Save Time, Money & Resources. Reduce Expenses & Maximize ROI.

  • Avoid costly and frustrating data migration with unlimited free content connectors.

  • NO FEES on unlimited content connectors, accessing data or exporting files.

  • Rely on one predictable charge based on volume of storage for budget planning.

  • In the case of investigations, you can significantly narrow disclosure down to targeted files so legal teams are not charging for review of irrelevant documents.

  • Lifetime and unlimited Collabware Customer Care support included.

  • Providing an easy-to-use tool increases collaboration, efficiency & user adoption.

  • Maximum productivity with anytime, anywhere access, streamlined processes and automation.

  • Content Analytics Dashboards allow for easy data supervision and strategic decision-making.


Collabspace DISCOVERY Top Features

Rapidly Analyze Huge Volumes of Data and Return Results in Milliseconds.


Unified Content Control & Search with connectors streaming content from siloed systems into a data lake.

Multi-Farm support with Collabware CLM

OCR for PDFs, Tiffs & Image Files Automatic optical character recognition, indexing and text extraction for PDFs, TIFFs, JPEGS, etc.

Easily Export Files & Metadata individually or in bulk for FOI requests, data recovery or review.


Legal Holds allow you to collect and suspend records relevant to a case so they can’t be destroyed, altered or moved. Set appropriate access permissions & export for review.


Audio & Video Transcription for media files are automatically processed to extract the vocal transcription for search indexing.

Object Detection-icon-WHITE-250x250.png

Object Detection & Sentiment Analysis identifies objects in images, identify counts of each object type & Also determines if content is positive, negative or neutral.

Customer Success: FOI & Archive Processes Reduced From Weeks To Minutes

Cobb EMC - Energy

Read through this in-depth report on how Cobb EMC, an electricity provider in Georgia,  deployed compliant business policies, unified content within one view, and improved eDiscovery with optimized, cross-platform search and shareable search templates by leveraging Collabspace.

We go over all of the challenges that lead to a breaking point, their hunt for a solution and how they are now relying on Collabware's cloud product to not only mitigate risk, save costs, and take pressure off of the IT team, but empower internal staff to work more autonomously, efficiently, and better serve their Member Owners and the community.

Click the button below for instant access to the 7-page Collabware Case Study and Collabspace Software Review.

COBB EMC Case Study

Request a FREE Personalized Demo & Get Searching Fast!

Getting started with Collabspace DISCOVERY is fast and efficient. It takes seconds to connect to your content sources and minutes to see all your files indexed and ready for your search queries - Let us show you how.

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