ARMA Nebraska Event: Classify all the Things! Harnessing AI for Records Management

Date: Mar 16 2022, 09:00 - Mar 16 2022, 11:00
Location: Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine Street, Omaha, NE, 68106, United States

Special promotional code: Things

Collabware is excited that our CEO, Graham Sibley, will present Classify all the Things! Harnessing AI for Records Management for ARMA Nebraska! This presentation will be held at 11:00AM CST (or 9:00AM PST) on Wednesday March 16, 2022. Anyone globally can join, since there is the option to attend virtually, or in person at the Scott Conference Center. Register today, and be sure to use the promotional code at the bottom of this page for a special discount rate!

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‘Classify all the Things! Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Records Management’

Speaker: Graham Sibley

Description: One of the initial value points for employing AI in your records management programs is to automate and greatly increase the speed and efficiency of content categorization and classification. Employing AI in this way can lead to a wider range of records retention coverage, unlocked data intelligence insights, and more implicitly-engaged users. It's not without its own challenges though. Where do you start? How do you put together a plan? What technologies do you use? This new frontier and uncharted territory is available to explore and mold through our own creativity.

In this session we'll provide:

  • a high level understanding of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) really is and what its current capabilities really are (busting myths)

  • one aspect of AI and present a real-world picture of how you can leverage it to achieve automated, enterprise-wide, transparent records management compliance

  • finish up with a view into how you can use AI to extract new unstructured data intelligence that can be used to shape your organization's future.

See full event agenda.

About ARMA Nebraska

The Nebraska chapter is part of the Midwest Rocky Mountain Region of ARMA International. The chapter has nearly 100 members and holds monthly education sessions from September to June, including an all-day seminar in April. Learn more.